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One of the unique characteristics of the undergraduate education is to allow students the flexibility to design their degrees based on their own career objectives and needs. A student desirous for a job in international marketing may opt for courses from Economics, Business & Commerce and Foreign Languages. Another might focus on Telecommunications and Sociology to enter the world of Media.

Research & Teaching are directly linked: CMJ University actively insures that teaching, and particularly undergraduate teaching, is not removed from contemporary research. The research agenda of the Institute of the University includes establishment of cross-disciplinary centers of excellence for creating knowledge in new areas, provide resources and facilities to support research at par with the best Universities around the world, and develop mechanisms to involve students in research as an integral part of their learning. The University Faculty Members are consistently encouraged to advance knowledge in their field (s) of expertise. The University also promotes agenda–based research for enhancement of public services and governance. In addition, the University will forge links with the best research centers around the world and promote Industry partnerships to facilitate ideas and innovation.

Through emphasis on both research and teaching, the University will train the next generation of faculty and revive a culture of scholarship of higher education in India.